Disclosure policy
As a listed company, Canatu complies with Finnish and EU legislation, the regulations and guidelines issued by the European Securities and Markets Authority and the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority as well as with Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd’s rules and insider guidelines.
Canatu’s disclosure policy describes the key principles and procedures that the company complies with when disclosing information to the market and when communicating with capital market representatives.
The disclosure policy has been approved by Canatu’s Board of Directors. It is updated as necessary.
Key principles of disclosure
Canatu communicates both positive and negative information openly, transparently, and actively. In terms of disclosure, the key principle is to ensure that all market parties have simultaneous and equal access to accurate, sufficient, and correct information on the company and its operations, objectives, strategy, and financial position to support the price formation of the financial instruments issued by the company.
Disclosure obligation and disclosure
The releases that Canatu publishes are divided into company announcements and press releases. Information covered by the periodic and ongoing disclosure obligation is published as company announcements. Information about the company’s regular business news that is assessed to be newsworthy or otherwise of interest among stakeholders of the company is published as press releases.
Periodic disclosure obligation refers to the company’s obligation to regularly disclose information regarding its financial position, development, and result. Canatu reports its financial figures at Group level in accordance with the Finnish Accounting Standards twice a year. Canatu publishes
- financial statement releases
- financial statements
- annual reports
- half-year reports
- an event calendar that sets out the relevant dates for the reports to be published pursuant to the periodic disclosure obligation.
The ongoing disclosure obligation refers to the company’s obligation to disclose information that is likely to have a significant effect on the price of a financial instrument issued by the company to the markets in a timely manner. The ongoing disclosure obligation covers the disclosure of inside information and other information whose disclosure is required by the applicable regulation.
Inside information is information of a precise nature that has not been made public and which directly or indirectly relates to the company and its financial instruments and which, if it were to be made public, would likely have a significant effect on the prices of the company’s financial instruments.
In addition to inside information, the company discloses information required under MAR and the Nasdaq First North Growth Market – Rulebook through company announcements. Such information includes e.g. changes in the Board of Directors and senior management.
Communication channels
The primary channel for investor communications is the company’s website. The company also uses social media channels in its communications. However, the company’s website or social media is not the primary communication channel for information to be disclosed under the disclosure obligation, but such information shall always be disclosed through company announcements.
The company is represented by the Board of Directors in all matters and by the CEO in all matters within their competence. The CEO, CFO or other person authorised by the CEO are entitled to issue statements on behalf the company. The CEO or CFO represents the company in matters related to its financial performance. The Chair of the Board of Directors will issue statements concerning the company’s ownership structure and other similar structural matters, and on matters pertaining to the CEO on behalf of the company.
Communication with the media is primarily the responsibility of the VP, Marketing & Communications and the CEO.
In crisis situations, the CEO is responsible for communications. Crisis communications are carried out by designated persons, with the goal of distributing information in a reliable, fast, clear and proactive manner.
Review the policy:
Disclosure policy
Appendix 1 – Categorisation of Customer Agreements and Disclosed Information per Agreement
Appendix 2 – Categorisation of Investment Projects and Disclosed Information per Investment Project