Privacy policy

In this privacy policy, we describe how Canatu Oy process personal data. This Privacy Policy covers the following areas:

Contact information of the controller

  1. Contact information of the controller
  2. Register names
  3. Purpose and legal basis for data processing
  4. Third parties as data processors
  5. Personal data types and categories
  6. Transfer of personal data
  7. Personal data retention period
  8. Your rights
  9. Data security
  10. Other information

This privacy notice contains the description as specified in the Personal Data Act and the General Data Protection Regulation (referred below as GDPR).

1. Contact information of the controller
Canatu Oy
Tiilenlyöjänkuja 9A
FI-01720 Vantaa

Contact person and email address: Robert Andersson,

2. Register names
Register names are Newsletter subscribers (LianaMailer), website visitors (Google Analytics, WordPress), Customer database (Pipedrive), Material bank users (Gredi), Journalist database (Meltwater).

3. Purpose and legal basis for personal data processing

3.1 Email subscribers
The purpose to collect personal data of newsletter subscribers is to inform customers and other interested parties about Canatu news and offerings, and share insights to markets where Canatu operates.

When a person subscribes to Canatu newsletter, he or she will be added on Canatu newsletter mailing list. The person can opt-out at any time. Canatu may also contact them and send additional information by email.

Canatu acts as the register controller and a named third party as the technical register and service administrator. See chapter 5.

3.2. Website and company Social Media channel visitors
Data is collected for analysing basic visitor data, for example visitor amounts, geographic locations, activity, used devices and other basic data with Google Analytics and social media statistics (see chapter 11 for more information).

Lead collection is an essential part of the Canatu website. The following forms are implemented on

  • Newsletter subscription form
  • Lead form
  • Download form
  • Request a meeting form

Newsletter subscription form is integrated to LianaMailer, which is responsible for contacts management. Other forms are simple lead forms. Data is stored in WordPress and manually transferred to LianaMailer.

When a user fills in a form on Canatu website, Canatu specialist may contact them by phone or email. Canatu may send additional information by email, to schedule a meeting and add the user on company newsletter mailing list. The user can opt-out from emails at any time.

Additionally, when a user submits the contact information form for a downloadable material, the user will be able to download the material.

Form submissions are tracked with Google Analytics to enable Canatu to know on which page the form was submitted and to support the user with relevant information matching their interests.

This information is used to develop Company’s services as informed on the website, to improve content and serve the visitors better, to provide appropriate information to the users, to analyse web- and campaign performance, and for risk management.

3.3. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system data base
Customer’s personal data may be used for both maintaining customer relationship, promoting Company’s products and services, and informing company and market insights.
Company’s right to process the customer’s personal data is based on customer and/or contractual relationship or customer’s consent or a legitimate interest.

3.4. Material bank
Partner’s (such as advertising agency) data is collected purely to provide an access to Canatu’s material bank for utilizing Canatu marketing material (such as images, photos, logos) for further development of marketing content.

3.5 Journalist data base
Canatu utilizes a third-party data base for contacting journalists with press releases or invitations to press events. This data is mainly collected by the third party, but Canatu has the option to add manually journalists to Canatu’s own list which is visible only to Canatu admin.

4. Third parties as processors
Company uses designated service providers when processing personal data (subcontractors). Service providers process personal data as assigned by the Company as a controller. Third parties are used for hosting the data on external data centres that are located within EU area. Primary service providers are email data base, customer data base, web page and social media analytics, material bank and journalist data base.

5. Personal data types and categories
Personal data we collect can be grouped into the following categories:

  • Contact information: Name, company, address, phone number and email.
  • Website usage related information: Cookies, IP address, device ID and client id
  • Information related to job applications and recruitment process: Name, email, other contact information, CV related information like previous work experience, education background, language skills, information related interviews and personality tests and other information that you might provide us like social security number, picture.

Newsletter subscribers:
Mandatory: name, company, email address, hCatcha (for bot and fraud management)
Optional: telephone

Lead form:
Mandatory: name, company, email, hCatcha (for bot and fraud management)
Optional: telephone, message

Request a meeting form:
Mandatory: name, company, email, phone, preferred date, preferred time, hCatcha (for bot and fraud management)
Optional: message

Download asset form:
Mandatory: name, company, email, hCatcha (for bot and fraud management)
Optional: telephone

Google analytics:
IP-address, Device, see more in Chapter 11

Customer data base (CRM) for customer data:
Contact and organization data, such as name, organization, label (customer, partner, other), phone, email, address

Material bank:
Company name, contact’s first and last name and email address.

Journalist data base:
A third party mainly collects data of the journalists which Canatu is entitled to use based on a yearly fee. Canatu can add and remove journalist data (Media, first name, last name, email address) also manually to the system. This manually entered data is visible only to Canatu admin of the service and in case of removal, contact added manually will be permanently removed.

6. Transfer of personal data
Company uses subcontractors for data processing as described above. For these purposes the Data can be transferred outside the EU or EEA, as applicable laws including GDPR allow. Company transfers data on these bases: the receiving country has similar data protection laws in place, or Company has a specific data transfer agreement in place with subcontractor, or USA-based subcontractor is certified under Privacy Shield program.

7. Personal data retention period and criteria for determining this period
Personal data will be processed during the contractual relationship. Once the contractual relationship has ended, the data will be deleted according to the Company’s standard procedure.

We will keep your data for as long as they are needed for the purposes for which your data was collected and processed or required retention requirements in laws and regulations.

Job applications related to specific job opening are held 12 months from leaving the application.

8. Your rights
All registered persons have the right to receive a reply from Company, whether their personal data will be processed or not, or if personal data already have been processed. You have the right to review your own data stored by Company and to request to correct or remove any incorrect or outdated personal data.
All these requests must be submitted to the Company’s contact person via email.

If you believe that your personal data is not processed legally, you have the right to file a complaint to the data supervising authorities.

9. Data security
Company has taken the necessary technical and organisational steps to protect the security of the data, and the subcontractors must provide similar protection.

10. Other information

Cookies in general uses cookies to improve the service and for marketing purposes to provide relevant information to targeted audiences. Collected information is used to provide the service, to give a seamless user experience and improve the service. Information collected from cookies cannot be used to identify an individual person, only IP address.

Cookies are small text files stored on a user’s computer when an online service has been used. Cookies come in two types: session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies only exist during the session and are deleted automatically when the browser is closed. Persistent cookies exist for a specific period and remain on the computer also after the session is over unless the user deletes them manually before that.

Our services use both session and persistent cookies provided by Google Analytics and other service providers. Cookies do not damage the user’s computer or files.
Users can accept or decline non-necessary cookies when first entering the website. Consent can be updated any time from the cookie settings. Declining cookies can mean that certain operations, e.g. videos do not function as efficiently as with cookies.

Google Analytics
The service uses Google Analytics tool, which may store cookies on the user’s device. You can read more about how the cookies are used in Google Analytics and advertising, and how long the expiration times of different cookies are at:

Canatu uses organic and paid strategies for posting company updates, employer branding and recruiting, and promoting company products to target audiences.

LinkedIn Page Analytics, LinkedIn campaign manager and Google Analytics are used for social media metrics and reports.

Additional information:

Twitter Analytics is used to measure engagement and learn how the tweets perform.
Additional information:

Canatu YouTube channel is used as a video platform to upload public video content that our audience can view, like, comment on and subscribe to. Company videos are embedded on from YouTube.

Channel analytics is used to analyse video performance, such as impressions, views, and average view duration. Additionally, Canatu uses analytics to interact with other YouTube users by responding to users who comment on our videos.

Additional information on YouTube Terms of Service:

Last updated January 2022.